
Showing posts from August, 2013

Getting ready for back to school with frozen breakfast sandwiches

I don't know about you but I LOVE egg breakfast sandwiches. I actually think it might be an addiction. I can't imagine having the time on school mornings to make breakfast so I am making up sandwiches to throw in the freezer so they can be microwaved in the morning. In the past I bought these Jimmy Dean D-lights but they are pretty expensive and they are a bit too chewy after microwaving. So after some careful internet research on the following blogs: bakebroilandblog gurutotheoutdoors rootandblossom tcdailydish exploringdomestically after a lot of trial and error I have developed my own favorite/healthier version with the following ingredients: my favorite is "Southwestern" one piece per sandwich Everything BagelThins are my favorite In the past I have cooked the eggs in the oven in a muffin pan like I saw here on Pinterest but the eggs were too small for the bagel.  That's a deal breaker for me so I bought a very small...