
Showing posts from January, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge Chalkboard Slow Cooker and chili recipe

So I'm going to accept the 2014 Pinterest Challenge. I am challenging myself to try out something on Pinterest each month (and hopefully blog about it.)   So here goes... I found this Pin on Pinterest and filed it away for a rainy day. Yesterday was a 50 degree rainy day here in Buffalo (I know, in January that's crazy.) So I decided to try it. The good news was that I already had everything I needed from previous projects so overall it cost me NOTHING!  I actually have 2 slow cookers a really nice stainless steel one and this ugly one that was collecting dust in the basement. I almost never use it because it was all discolored. You can see the discoloring better in this picture....ewww. (don't judge) These are the materials I used: Glidden Gripper Primer, Valspar Black Chalkboard paint, Greased Lightening Multi-purpose spray, Frog Tape, and 300 grit sandpaper. I washed the slow cooker with the Greased Lightening spray  (It is amazing at was...

Modeling Mitosis with Oreo Cookies 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction

Oreo Cookie Mitosis The problem was: What do I do with the students the day before Winter Recess? We were about to finish the Reproduction and Development Unit but needed one or two days of review before the test.  I know a lot of teachers like to show a video but the way I see it you are essentially telling the students that "today isn't an important day, you aren't important to me, let's just take it easy." I was looking for a fun activity that would help the students review and would entertain them and keep them out of trouble for 40 minutes.  For whatever reason I ended up googling: Mitosis Cookies and found resources and ideas on the following websites: I then took parts from each site and created this handout for my 9th grade Biology students:  Click here for the handout oreo cookies provided by students They brought in plenty of c...