Perpetual Post It Note Calendar
I'm going to show you how I created a Post It Note Calendar that can be used year after year. Since you probably already know by now that I'm a teacher, it probably won't surprise you if I tell you that I love school supplies. My favorite school supply ever is the wonderful Post It Note. With all of those colors, sizes, and shapes they are absolute perfection. I wanted to make a big wall calendar for the entire school year so I can see everything all at once. So after scouring Pinterest I found a lot of examples of calendars made of post it notes... here they are . I used a combination of what I saw on Pinterest, and combined it with printing on Post It Notes which I saw here on Pinterest . I bought 2 of these Post It Note Color Cubes at Target. I really like the gray color and figured that I could use the brightly colored ones for special days and holidays. So I took large sheets of paper and started laying out the gray Post It Note squares for Monda...