An idea for the first day of school
I don't know about you but I hate going over the rules on the first day of school. It makes me feel like I'm a big meanie and I know that the kids are hearing the rules from every teacher on that day as they sit back passively and block it out. On Facebook I am a member in several teacher groups and every once in a while I get a gem of an idea from them. This is an example of such a situation. The idea is: take the script that you would use on the first day of school and turn it into an activity for the students. As the students walk into the classroom greet them at the door and hand them an index card. On the top of that index card it should read "After you hear somebody say this:" and at the bottom of the card it should read "You say this:" I first set up the spreadsheet with the script broken into 27 short statements and then I set up and printed the cards....