What do you do on a "hurricane day" off of school?
I can't speak for everyone else but we had a great day today. My prayers are with all of the families that did not fare as well as we did but fortunately we were able to keep our power and had no flooding. This time. Phew. The high winds keep us inside Princess Leia foolishly wanting to go outside and we got some much needed chores done. First project: tackle the front hall closet. I don't have a "before" picture but it really didn't look much different except now it is organized. front hall closet Or you could get an easier to fit version like this: This set of shelves was horizontal in the closet and I took it out (not easy to do) and tried to put it vertical behind the front door. It didn't really fit, so I tipped it back horizontal and it still didn't fit, so back into the closet it went. This time I kept it vertical and put tags on each of the bins. each bin has a tag I used a tag punch like this that ...