Thank you for coming to my blog. I started this blog years ago as an online portfolio of my teaching and anything else in my life that uplifts and motivates me. I wish I had more time to blog but I hope what I have put on here is useful to you and helps generate some excellent ideas of your own. Please comment on my posts to let me know what stuck with you.
Modeling Mitosis with Oreo Cookies 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction
Oreo Cookie Mitosis The problem was: What do I do with the students the day before Winter Recess? We were about to finish the Reproduction and Development Unit but needed one or two days of review before the test. I know a lot of teachers like to show a video but the way I see it you are essentially telling the students that "today isn't an important day, you aren't important to me, let's just take it easy." I was looking for a fun activity that would help the students review and would entertain them and keep them out of trouble for 40 minutes. For whatever reason I ended up googling: Mitosis Cookies and found resources and ideas on the following websites: I then took parts from each site and created this handout for my 9th grade Biology students: Click here for the handout oreo cookies provided by students They brought in plenty of c...
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